Topics of Discussion/Sessions
We request you to submit a brief idea or abstract of your talk/presentation/symposium/workshop according to your session interest
- Power Generation - Conventional and Renewable
- Hydropower Technologies and Applications
- Thermal Power Technologies and Applications
- Nuclear Energy Generation and Utilization
- Wind Power Generation and Utilization
- Bio-Energy Technologies, Process and Utilization
- Geothermal and Tidal Wave Energy
- Photovoltaic for Solar Power Applications
- New Technologies and Design for Energy Efficiency
- Smart Grid
- Energy Efficiency
- Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- HVDC Transmission and FACTS
- Renewable Energy Sources and Storage Devices
- Soft and Hard Switching Converters and Control
- Power System Communication
- Energy & Sustainable Development
- Energy Policy and Economics
- Sustainable Power Technologies
- Power System Analysis and Optimization
- Energy and Environmental Impact
- Power Transmission and Distribution
- Power System Management
- Energy Engineering