Professor Mohamed TAHIRI is currently Full professor of supramolecular chemistry, spectroscopy, composite materials, electroplating techniques, Economical Impact on environmental, water and environmental engineering, biomass and biogas, Climate change, innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship.
Since January 2010, he has held the Innovation Chair and TTO at Hassan II University in Casablanca.
He coordinated the Erasmus + Yabda project from 2017 to 2021 ( and represented the University in the other Tempus projects OSMOSE, BUCUM and Erasmus + INSITE, SALEEM.
In his faculty, he holds a Bachelor's degree in sanitation management in urban and rural areas since 2009 till now.
Since 2020, He’s Director of Research Laboratory at Hassan II University of Casablanca (Organic Synthesis, Extraction and Valorisation: SOEVLab)
He’s International Expert with UNIDO (Vien) 2012: Bioenergy, Water and Environment Management, Applied Chemistry
It conducts R&D in partnership with various industries. He is part of the national network of experts in environmental economics with whom he has carried out an economic evaluation of the damage and inefficiencies caused to the environment.
He has been awarded: Hassan II Prize for the Environment in 2009, AFP Washington Prize 2012, University-Business Competitiveness Prize 2014, InnovTex Prize 2019 and 2021.
Professor Mohamed TAHIRI has provided several technical training and workshops in several African countries (Chad, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Gabon, DRC, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, ….
Professor is now the holder of 4 research & development projects funded by different organizations (MESRSI, MCINTND, IRESEN, LYDEC)
He holds 5 invention patents
He has published more than 40 general and research articles, organized international meetings and conferences in Morocco (PRIDE Morocco 2007: International Conference on Renewable Energies and Water Technologies in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Navigation of Almeria Spain; MENA Symposium on Environmental Analysis and Economic Valuation, Marrakech 2009).
Professor Mohamed TAHIRI has widely consulted in the fields of applied chemistry, environmental accounting, eco-efficiency and eco-management, chemical risks, environmental engineering and climate change ; treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater, biogas and biomass; …etc. He led the research team on the organoleptic properties of raw water deserving of Grand Casablanca. Pr. TAHIRI has been a senior consultant for multinational and national companies, particularly in water treatment technologies, electroplating processes, applied chemistry, recycling and waste recovery, detergency, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainable development, etc.